PI Search

The Purchase Invoice (PI) Search page allows you to search the purchase invoices at a summary or detailed level. The detailed view includes the information required to post to an accounting package.

The search fields/filters are cumulative. For example, if you filter for a specific supplier AND a specific order status, only those PIs that include that supplier's name AND that order status are displayed. If you do not get any results from your search, consider removing one of the filters.

You can click on any of the column headers to sort by that column.

Above the Grid

The fields listed below are the default fields. You can add additional filter fields by using the Search Filter Profiles pop-up.

You can use the percentage symbol (%) as a wildcard in any of the filter fields.

Field Description
This icon is located to the left of the PI Search heading at the top of the page. Click to display the Search Filter Profiles pop-up to add, reset, or edit a filter profile.
Summary or Detail View
  • The Summary view displays information at the invoice level.
  • The Detail view displays information at the line item level.
PI Number... Use this filter to display invoices with a specific invoice number.
Supplier Use this filter to display only those PIs that include a specific supplier name.
Exported Use this filter to display only those PIs that have successfully been sent to the financial package and processed.
Process Use this filter to display only those PIs that need to be sent to the financial package and processed.
Clear Click to clear all filters
Search Click to run the search

Grid (Summary View)

Field Description
Wrench Click to display the Column Selector Profiles pop-up and select the columns that you want to display in the view.
PI Number This column displays the purchase invoice number.
Date Created This column displays the date when the purchase order was created.
PI Date This column displays the date when the purchase invoice was received.
Supplier This column displays the name of the supplier.
Supplier Ext. Code This column displays the supplier external code, if specified.
PO Number This column displays the purchase order number. Click the link to view details about the purchase order.
PO Order Status This column displays the purchase order status, for example, Not Ordered.
PO User Status This column displays the purchase order user-defined status, for example, Invoice Not Arrived.
PI Currency This column displays the currency in which the purchase invoice was issued.
PO Currency This column displays the currency in which the purchase order was issued.
PO Amount This column displays the purchase order amount.
Included Jobs The column displays any linked jobs. Click a link to view details about the job.
PI Total This column displays the purchase invoice total.
PI Tax 1 This column displays the purchase invoice tax amount based on the tax code entered in Tax 1.
PI Tax 2 This column displays the purchase invoice tax amount based on the tax code entered in Tax 2.
PI Grand Total This column displays the purchase invoice total including tax.
Paid Amount This column displays the amount that has already been paid toward the purchase invoice.
Paid Date This column displays the date on which the amount paid was submitted.
Exported Select this check box to indicate that the line item has been sent to the financial package and processed.
Process Select this check box to indicate that the line item needs to be sent to the financial package and processed.

Grid (Detail View)

Field Description
PI Date This column displays the date the purchase invoice was received.
PI Number This column displays the purchase invoice number.
Supplier This column displays the name of the supplier.
Supplier External Code This column displays the supplier external code, if specified.
PO # This column displays the purchase order number.
Job # This column displays the job that is linked to the line item. Click the link to view details about the job.
Description This column displays a description of the line item.
Charge Band This column displays the associated charge band.
Sales Nominal This column displays the primary external code of the purchase charge band, normally mapped to be a Sales Ledger or Nominal code.
Purchase Nominal This column displays the secondary external code of the purchase charge band, normally mapped to be a Purchase Ledger or Nominal code.
Currency This column displays the currency in which the line item was created.
Total This column displays the line item total amount.
Tax 1 This column displays the line item tax amount based on the tax code entered in Tax 1.
Tax 2 This column displays the line item tax amount based on the tax code entered in Tax 2.
Grand Total This column displays the total including tax for the line item.
Tax 1 This column displays the tax code.
Tax 2 This column displays an additional tax code.
Tax 2 Ext. Code This column displays the supplier external tax code, if specified.
Exported Select this check box to indicate that the line item has been sent to the financial package and processed.
Process Select this check box to indicate that the line item needs to be sent to the financial package and processed.

Below the Grid

Field Description
Update Click to save your changes.
Export Click to export all open pages of data, or just the data on the current page, to a CSV format file.
Output Click to output the data to a custom HTML, CSV, PDF, or TXT format file.